I started Stephanie Danger
as a community exclusively
for women in midlife.

For women like you, who want to live life
with curiosity, courage & compassion.

After four or five decades on the planet,
you’ve seen a few things
and gained a bunch of wisdom.

You are in your prime.

But society, a.k.a. “they”,
has somehow forgotten about us.

How dumb.

Forget midlife crisis.

We’ve got the youthful spirit
of younger generations
and the wisdom of our elders.

It’s the perfect combo.

So whether “they” like it or not,
we’re reclaiming our status
as wise and impactful
members of society.

Join The Flow Generation X Women Newsletter

The divine feminine is rising

and middle aged women are feeling
the call to be leaders for a new way.

No more hustling

exhausting yourself

to get from A to B to C.

Yang mode is out.

Yin is in.

More reconnecting

to your higher self,

surrendering and letting

your intuition lead the way.

No more hustling

exhausting yourself

to get from A to B to C.

Yang mode is out.

Yin is in.

More reconnecting

to your higher self,

surrendering and letting

your intuition lead the way.

You have the power to draw things to you.
It’s in your DNA.

You just need to remember how to trust


‘Cause you’re not trying to get to the end
of your life thinking
what the f*ck just happened?

It’s about mindset, rewiring your brain
to get rid of all the status quo “shoulds”
you were fed along the way.

It’s about simplifying life,
being brave enough to let go
of what no longer serves you.

Making space for well… space
with a dollop of passion and purpose.


Less speed

More dropping down into the heart & belly

Stephanie Danger is a love letter
to myself and all the women
of my generation.

It is curated reminders and
inspiration for living well through
midlife and beyond.

We’re making feeling good
the priority.

But don’t get it twisted,
we want to look good too.

It’s just we know feeling good
is what’s going to make us
look good.

Screw anti-aging!

We’re prepping for female elderhood.

Taking life to the next level
is always more fun
with like-minded women.

So join our modern day village.

Let’s Stephanie Danger
the heck out of our fascinating lives.


Stephanie Danger celebrates staying curious, having fun, living honestly, being rebellious and trusting in the magic of the Universe as you evolve through mid-life and beyond. Sent with good vibes every other week, 'cause you've got things to do.